Now that you have a loan with Energy One, you’re probably curious about where and how you can pay your monthly loan payment. Energy One offers several options that you can utilize to make your payments, such as automatically, in person or by mail.
To set up a loan payment as an automatic payment from your bank account at another financial institution:
Fill out the ACH origination form on our forms page. Complete the form, sign, date, and return the form for processing.
**If you choose the ACH origination option, Energy One must receive the form at least three business days prior to the payment start date.
Our convenient online payment option provides quick and secure loan payments:
Make a payment from any account, debit card or Mastercard® credit card, even from other financial institutions. Click here to get started.
If you choose to make your loan payment by mail, please send to this address:
Energy One FCU
6100 S Yale Ave, Ste 100
Tulsa, OK 74136
When using this option, please allow for enough time to ensure your payment is made on time, and include your name and account number to ensure proper credit.
You also have the option to pay in person at our three Tulsa locations:
One Warren Place, 61st and Yale
6100 S Yale Ave, Ste 100
Tulsa, OK 74136
Corporate Woods, 129th East Ave between 41st and 51st
4500 S 129th E Ave, Ste 120
Tulsa, OK 74134
Downtown, 8th and Denver
220 W 7th St
Tulsa, OK 74119
If you have any questions during this process please call us and one of our friendly staff will assist you.
Phone: 918-699-7100
Toll Free: 1-800-364-3628
You can also send us a message by clicking here.