Why is Energy One offering new Online Banking and Bill Pay?
Energy One is committed to offering new ways to help our members manage their finances easier. Our new Online Banking and Bill Pay system offers more features, convenience and control to members who wish to bank and pay bills online.
What is different about the new Online Banking and Bill Pay system?
The new Online Banking and Bill Payment system offers new features to make banking and paying bills online easier and more convenient. These features include:
A new design. A clean look that makes it easy for you to access the services you need.
Quick links. You can pay bills and make transfers in seconds.
Account alerts. The ability to set account alerts to notify you when a specific account activity occurs, such as your balance reaches a pre-determined level you set.
Better communication with us. If you have a question about a specific transaction, you can communicate securely with our Members Service Center during normal banking hours to get it answered. If you need assistance, you can use our easily accessible Help pages.
Plus, if you utilize our Bill Pay service to make online bill payments, you can take advantage of these benefits:
Integration with online banking. Now, you won’t have to leave online banking to make an online bill payment. It’s all right there in one comprehensive program.
Eliminate paper with new bill presentment. Clear out bill clutter and completely automate bill paying by having your billers send electronic bills directly to Online Banking.
Hold on to your funds longer. Your bill payments will be deducted from your account on the day they are paid, not on the day you schedule them, allowing you to hold on to your funds longer.
Will there be a cost for the new features?
No, Online Banking and Bill Pay will continue to be free to our members. See fee schedule for non-use fees.
When will the new Online Banking and Bill Pay be available?
The new Online Banking and Bill Pay system launches on September 24, 2018. In the coming days, we’ll send you important information about what you can expect as we work to transition your accounts.
Online Banking
Will you convert my accounts to the new system?
Yes. Your accounts will be migrated to the new system automatically.
Do I have to re-register for the new Online Banking?
No. Existing members do not have to register. You will, however, have to set up your enhanced security (challenge) questions.
Will I have uninterrupted access to my accounts?
To allow us to complete the upgrade, Online Banking will be unavailable from September 21 until September 24. However, you can continue to access your accounts at Energy One branches, by phone, or ATM.
Is the new Online Banking system still secure?
Yes. Our new system uses the highest level of protection available, providing the assurance that your accounts are secure.
Will transfers that I have established be made after the conversion date?
Any single or recurring transfer that you have set up will be carried over during the conversion. However, any external transfers to or from your Energy One FCU account to another institution will have to be re-established after the conversion.
How do I set up a recurring transfer on the new Online Banking system?
Under the Transfers tab, you can set up one-time and recurring transfers in only a few clicks.
Will my account nicknames come over to the new system?
Although all the accounts you have set up with Online Banking today will carry over, your account nicknames will have to be re-established.
How do I add account nicknames to the new system?
Under the Self Service tab, click on “Manage Account Preferences” to see a list of your account nicknames. You can make changes to this list. Click “Update Preferences” to save them.
How much Online Banking transactional history is available?
Our members can view 180 days (six months) of transactional history from their Energy One accounts. Check images are available for 90 days.
Online Bill Payment
Who can I pay with the new system?
You can pay anyone in the U.S. who you would normally pay by check. This includes paying bills, but it also includes sending money to people.
Will my bill payees carry over after the conversion?
The majority of bill payees will be transferred over to the new system. However, in rare cases, payees may not be converted successfully. We encourage you to make a list of payments/payees for your reference prior to September 21.
Can I arrange to have my billing statements sent to me electronically?
One of the features of our new system is online bill presentment. This enables you to completely automate your billing by receiving your bills electronically, if your biller offers eBills.
Will my bill payment history be transferred over?
Unfortunately, your bill payment history will not be available on the new system. Paid bills will appear in your account history, but not in Online Bill Pay. You can, however, retain bill pay history by downloading history to Quicken, QuickBooks, Microsoft Money or a CSV file. Customers are encouraged to download payment history as needed prior to September 21.
Will the new system store bill payment history?
Yes. Beginning September 24, the new system will build up bill pay history going forward. On an ongoing basis, it will retain 18 months of history.
Will the new system make any payments I have scheduled for after the conversion date?
Yes, provided that we are able to convert the appropriate payees. Please review all of your payees following the launch on September 24.
When will the funds from bill payments be deducted from my account?
Unlike the old system, which deducted funds on the day you scheduled the payment, the new system will deduct funds on the day the payment is received by your biller. It is important to keep this in mind, so you don’t think those funds are available to you and end up overdrawing your account.
How do I get assistance?
You can get assistance any number of ways. Online Banking offers secure communication option with our online Member Service Center. This is ideal if you have a question about a particular transaction. You can also get assistance through easily accessible help screens or by calling our Member Service Center at 1-800-364-3628.